Fixing a bad paving situation.

There are many home owners that don’t know that it is possible to repair a driveway or pool area by using the same bricks. Normally the edge beam on existing paving is difficult to re-use but most of the rest of the bricks can be used again to assist in reducing the cost. The new bricks will age and get dirty in a relatively short time and then hardly be noticeable.

Relaying old bricks
Old bricks being relaid after levels were corrected.

We often save our clients R1000’s by re-using the existing bricks and bringing in plus minus 20% new bricks to make up for the bricks that are broken or can’t be used for one or another reason. We then scatter the old and new bricks in the paved area so that there are no obvious patches and the finished product is a bit mottled as opposed to patched.

old driveway made new
New bricks being spread among the old paving bricks.

We have found in a lot of cases that the company that did the original paving never did a strong edgebeam and that is why in most cases the paving collapses. This is one of the most critical areas of the paving but it can be hidden from unknowing clients. To conclude, if you don’t plan on selling your house in the near future and your paving is functional more than a showpiece for a potential buyer, then consider an uplift and relay to save a small fortune.

Scarifying the area to be paved.
Preparing the ground for water levels.

The area will still need to be scarified, levelled and re-compacted as if you were doing a new paving installation, the only difference is that 80% of the paved area has been done in your old bricks.

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